Midnight, and African born boy is forced to move to America at the age of seven in order to help his father protect his unborn sister and mother from war. While in the United States he struggles to keep his Sudanese values and believes while at the same time belonging. At the age of seven Midnight towers over most grown men, and is much more mature than the average 16 year old. He serves as a translater for his mother, and helps to get them settled down in an apartment as well as landing her job while helping her to jump start a small yet fastly flourishing business ran out of their home. His mother is a very talented women and with her hands she creates everything from perfumes, to cigarettes, to gowns. Now seven years after arriving in the United States, Midnight has held on to his religion but let go of his sandals and slacks, and has transformed into the Brooklyn fashion of baggy jeans and air forces. And he his self works at a fish market, in China Town, the very place he meets Akemi. Akemi is a Japanese artist at the age of 16 who was selected out of billions as the winner of a Japanese nation wide competition, the winner got to be transfered to the United States for a school year and an exhibit at a famous museum. While working at her uncle's shop across from the fish market she becomes fascinated with Midnight. However, a language barrier is the only thing that stops her from approaching him. When they finally conversate through her cousin, they decide to start to go out much, Midnight teaches Akemi english little by little and they read eachothers thoughts by touch. Soon after their first date they fall in love and Midnight must find a way to make her his wife, so that he can be with her otherwise his religion won't allow it. After recieving his mother's blessing, and the permission of Akemi's father the two wed and begin a life together only to be cut short when Akemi's time in the United States is up and her father comes to retrieve her. Midnight will go to any limits to get his wife back where she belongs with him, but are his efforts any good?